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Kalyn Riding

Certified Consultant


My Story

My life hasn't always been butterflies and sparkles! I know, hard to believe. I was super shy, I didn't have many friends, I spent most of my time by myself. I became so used to that lifestyle, that it became my norm. During my teenage/ young adult life I went down a dark path, i struggled with addictions,i lost my father to drugs, lost my first two children to cas, struggled to leave an abusive relationship that ended up costing me everything. I had hit my rock bottom and i was only 22 . Only after I hit my lowest point, i made the decision to make a change.
Some time had passed, I was introduced to Scentsy and their community of crazy amount of positivity and I honestly wasn't sure if I made the right choice. I was nervous with the amount of people who were suddenly talking to me. New people and new situations would give me anxiety. I thought I would just buy my own stuff and that was it. It wasn't long before my mindset started changing, i started to enjoy having all these new friends, I didn't get anxiety when I met new people, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and see the world differently. Now we're beginning 2024 and I'm celebrating my 8th year as a Scentsy Consultant. I have travelled and gained friends around the globe. I am part of an amazing team, and have grown an amazing team of my own. I can truthfully say the last 8 years have been then best of my life. I have been able to rise above my struggles in life and see things in a more positive outlook. For me, this company was my silver lining to a dark time.

My Favourite Scents